Saturday, May 16, 2009

singapore to jhon bharu (spelling?)

so last night was intresting, bloged about it a bit in my blife blog, sleapt suprisingly ok, got up in the morning chatted with some folks (i guess the beniffet of a dorm type set up, i supose in my future travels i'll be hitting those places more often as i go to more expencive countrys)
anyways chattd with some folks and then took off to check some stuff out.
hit the raffles hotel, a old 1900's pith hat and white linnen suit place, kinda neat it's been around for ever and still has a tad of that feel, cheked out there musium, and poked around in there overpriced girt shop for something for my girl without much luck, at that point i relized i was just about out of singapore $ and was hoping to avoid hitting an atm again due to stupid servis charges.
net i whent to the long bar at thesame hotel, reminded me verymuch of the bar in bermies days, had a singapore sling, it's the bar it was created in, that was a bit weird seeing how i don't drink, and it's been quite some time since i had drank at all, but no biggie. from there i when out and it was poring outside so i sat under an overhang for awhile and finaly just set out, i don't have the time to wait around, though after the jungel i was a bit sick of being soggy all teh time , fucking squishy shoes ect...
but the rain let up soon, and i continued south,, from what i could figure out on my map if i whent south till i hit the bottem on the islan and then headded weat i would come across haw nag villa (selling/name?) it's the end result of the tigerbalm fouturen) but on the ride there my eye calugt sight of a sigen "secret tunels".... "SECRET TUNNELS!!" i shout and startel some folks at a bus stop.. i can't just pass that by, so i head into a park inserch of some tunnels and forafcations that had been lost/forgoten about for about 60 years,, they just found them in the last few years.
the entrinces i found were locked up.. poo, not that i think i could have braved going in along too far by myself, into the creepy pitch black..
i wated around for a tour, but when the time carm for the tour they just changed the time to the next future hour.. weird, but they let me just go in and look around, which was cool becase i really didin't have the cash to spare for a tour. it was disapointing, but still a undergound bunker, so still kinda neat.
after that i spent an hour or so serching for the haw nag villa, , it was neat, very gaudy, and very very vibrant, i asked some people to take a few photots of me with the weird satues ect, but then i took off for the sinces center for teh lernado davinci exibet. it was a long ride, i cant' belive my legs still hurt peddling, after alll therse kilos.. wtf
the exibit was a bit disapointing, alont of the mecanisims (recrations) had do not touch things on them, though you could tell they were made to be used so you could see how they work. but really you can't take the designs of a genious and 1/2 ass build them, it's not like they were built really crappy, but his designs deserve to be pin stankingly created by masters..
all and all ok, think it would probaly been a bit cooler to just check out the regular center, but it's probaly the same as the exploritorim.. really all of singapore felt like sf, not ina bad way, but just like most the things to do were expencive and i could do them at home..
at that point it was 6pm, i had the choice to try to peddle to mylaisa or head back to little india and try to find a bed, and seee if i could trade work for a bed, or just hit an atm and get outa tiny amout.. err..
fuck it, so i started peddling north.. needed to cover the whole island south to north (not a huge feat)
i finaly get to the border, there were 1000's of motorcycles crossing, sitting in lines of ass to tip scooters, for about an hour.. not fun, and when i fainaly get to the gate im at the wrong place, even though it's were i was tonld to go by the cops.. err, thats just the way it gos, and after awhile of bull shit i really didn't pay much atention to they let me pass to have to navagate twisty hilly concreat over under wrily pases to teh malaysin side of imagrations where they give me the same run around, but at this side every motorcycle is laying on there hor the whole time, and madly swerving around like a fucking rino is chasing them... fcking stupid insae.. whats the rush ass holes.. so tryig the compunacate witht eh imagaration people over thousands of reving engins blaring hors and squiling tires as everyone is barly avoiding smashing into eachouther..
but i got into town on this side, got an over priced hotle room, but for somereason there all expencive here. 50rm compared to 15rm at some of the shabber guest houses i've satyed at,, but oh well, it's cheaper that if i stayed in singapore another night.. tomorow..? no idea, say a dance school on the way in i'd like to cheak out, but in reality i should just get biking, or on the train nort to KL, so i can start training, and serch for some sailing lessons..
bla, pooped thats all for now, hope it was somewhat intresting to read..

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