Saturday, May 2, 2009

nappy rash, thailand into mayla

ok, i had a simple plan,
train to the border, hang out at the border and traid guide books with someone going the outher way and figure it out from there..
no problem right...
fucking wrong!
no one.. i meen no one was going the outher way.
i wated around for an hour.. not a singel person..
biked around town, no one outher the people who had been on the train with me.. and they all looked at me ike i was insane
bnack to the borded to wait arund mpore.
look around the litle border town..
ok, fuck
well, i'd guess if i bike to th next closer town, which will be bigger i an find something, someone...
so i start rideing.. its' about 11am, I haven't eaten except somesnaks i brought with e on the train.
so i'm riding, i've got no guid book, o i don't know whre i'm going, or it'll be more thna donky there, no mayla money, so can't stop for a snack. have seen no atms.
don't know a lick of the langae... and here i am..
biking past police check points and women ni ful black vails crap what have gotten myself into./.
after a few hours find some police who tell me to go to a difrent city.. so after about 4 hours of biking i come to a small town,, abut where the killo making say the town i'm looking for is.
check the book store nothng.. and the people there say it's the only opne around.
back and forthe nothng..
find a atm ad it makes a angry ound at my card and sez fuc no
now its raining preaty heavly..
but i find a 7/11 and i get some $ from the atm, so a soda and i find an internet caffee.
but i try to find out about where i am and there say long pants and long shirt are must ...
and then i'm told i'm nt even in the right town..
so i bike on.
another hour or so.
get to a bigger city, 1/2 of everything is closed..
toursem office closed.
book store closed.
so if i rie around long enough i'll find something..
couple hours of that nothing..
try a few difrent shops. nothing..
finaly when i'm sitting in fromt of a small book shop that i had gone to hours before, and thy said they don't have anything ad tough luck for me..
the old lady look out and can see i look misrble aso tells me f a mall.
at this point i'm just fuckn bummed. i had ar\lready spent the majority of the day ass scared, confused an ost.
i bnike arund fr a long time and finaly find the mall. and after too long tryng to get through corows. faind an overprice guide book, but at least i can try nd fnd a room now.
out side i loose my bike for bout 1/2 an hour.. finaly find it in time for the rni to just dump down, then spend the next 4 hours lost trying to find the gust houes.. but i do get some food now that i'm nolonger too pised to eat.
late at night, in the dark i find a room.
after 12 hours of serching.
today i spend about 4 hours looking or internet, finaly at the tourest center that was pen this time they let me use the computyer in the lobbby.
tomorow i head south west to KL.
i'll bike for a fw days then get train i think..
so thats that, or at east some of it.

at least today i got to poke around at an arrmored car..

oh yea, and i've got nappy rash, awesome..

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