Thursday, May 7, 2009

Gua Musang to Jerantut

I took of early in the moring arund 7, not as early as i would have liked but it was going to be a mellow relaxing day maybe 80km or something.. well the first milage marked was saying 120km , crapsticks but still not too bad, can't really take any real breaks, but keeping a slow but stedy pace i should be fine.
(ok seems this jank ass computer dosen't want to work with my camra.. so no pictures for you.)
anyways was biking my happy ass along, stopped to scavance off a bumper o the side of the road when a super friendly trucker stoped and insisted i ride with him

to the next town. so why not..
he was super nice and we talked a bunch, then he wanted me to go on to KL with him but i was preaty set on getting into the jungle so he droped me off ata road heading to Jerantut saying it was only 30 km.. it was 60.
so once again there i am riding all fucking day into the pitch dark night.. now getting chased by monkeys
and have givven up to just pushing the bike up the ass steep hills.
like this one..

and it keeps going...
and going....

i'm fucking worn out.

but at the end i was able to cling on to logging trucks and get pulled up a bit of the way, but it was kinda scary
tonight i go to check out a Silat class, tought the last thing i want to do is spend any time on that bike.
esp after spending al this morning riding looking for the old town area here.
tired.. very tired, but at least i think tomorow the ride should only be about 30km then i can park and take a boat up the jungle river.
hopfully find a few day trek. the i think roll on the train for a bit while i let me ass heal.
theres a buch of photos i tok to add to this, but the coumpter is acting twitchy, and has probaly given my camra a virus..
eh, going to work on relaxing today! going to go see if anyone has emailed..
till next time.

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