Wednesday, April 29, 2009

sichon to nakhon si thammarat

it's been a long day, so i'll try and make this short.
lert sichon around 6am took back roads checking my coumpess often to continue heading south and east. ended up doing alot of dips it tawards the sea then back as roads didn't go through. after a few hours of that and some nice small villages and dirt roads folloed the highway and turned into kun lom (spelling) natanal park, it was a loong ride in, but there was a nice waterfall (i'll try and add a photo) (ok blogger being a bitch.. it's up on my facebook.)
then i had to bust ass to make it to nakhon si thammarat, i dipped in east looking for a musuium but couldn't find it, travelsd back roads for awhile and got to a dead end at a harbor, so had to back trackk about 20 min.
pulled in to town and found a suprising nice hotel room at thai lee hotel, for about 140b
think i may stay an extra day to rest up after the ride, it was between 150 - 180 k
my bike computer thoough i fixed it is not showing the corect speed or distance.. its a pice of crap $10 bell.. may try to fine tune it some outher time..

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