Thursday, March 5, 2009


ok, here it goes...
I'm gonna bike my way through some of south east Asia.. but i'm not a high fluting bike snob. a bikes a tool, not an excuse for a personality. ok....
I've already dealt with way too many people way too proud of themselves because what bike they ride ect.. kinda makes me want to puke on them.. ok that's out of the way..
so I was about to head off to Asia to travel:
and train boxing : (blog not set up yet)
at the last minuet I was offered a free bike, my father bought a bike on a whim and never used it, and now due to old Martial art injury's can't ride.
so I asked some Friends for tips, ordered up some bit and pieces on the net. and now here i am in Thailand with a bicycle.
still not sure if it was a huge mistake or not but we shall see.
so here's my plan..
train Muay Thai in BKK for a week or so, go to Chai Nat where my friend Pee Voot is being ordained as a monk, back to BKK more training and get the bike repaired (lol kinda fucked it up before i left the usa.. opps) more boxing, then go down to Kho Tao island. then to Sisket to a friends village (close to the Cambodian border) for thai new year, back to bkk to take care of a few last things then start biking south towards Malaysia, in Malaysia I have a contact to train with.. other than that it's all up in the air and i'll just play it by ear.
I'll be trying to travel light. so no pannier racks, just a backpack. sadly this means I'll probably have to ditch 90% of my boxing gear as well.
I'll pretty much only have a change of cloths, tiny eee pc to blog with, steri pen (water purifier) and some bike stuff.
anyways. just wanted to get this blog started, it should get better, lol. we'll see.

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